Time to change the furnace air filter

Fall is here and temps are starting to turn cold at night. The change means our furnace will begin to cycle and provide warm air. To ensure you are getting the best quality air, check your air filter, is it time for a change? A dirty filter will look grey and/ or have visible dust, pet hair and other contaminants we don’t want to breathe. Time to make the change!

Check the size on the side of the filter and head to a home Improvement or local hardware store or you can order them online. You can save money by buying/ ordering more than one at a time. Filters come in different micron levels meaning they can trap smaller and smaller particles as the quality and price go up on the filter. Keep in mind that the smaller the particles it traps the harder the furnace has to work to move air. If you live in a home that tends to, have a lot of contaminants, a higher quality filter during the winter months might be best. For most of us a standard filter is more than sufficient at keeping the air quality good in your home. To keep good quality air, make sure your changing the filters in the winter months particularly, at least every three months if not sooner.


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